On April 7th, 2015 our little 19 month old, Isaac, was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor on his spinal cord/brain stem. This was one of the worst days of our lives.  We went on a roller coaster for the next few weeks and ended up in Boston, MA at Boston Children's Hospital where their amazing doctors successfully performed brain surgery on our baby boy.  Going to Boston was one of the best decisions we've ever made as parents.  God was in every detail leading up to then and He continues to be in all the medical details of Isaac's care. Since surgery Isaac has been receiving chemotherapy at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City.  Since surgery he's also had 2 MRI's and the scans in both suggested that the tumor has shrunk slightly which is a huge praise!  Isaac has for the most part tolerated the chemotherapy well.  However, in November we were forced to switch chemo drugs as Isaac had an allergic reaction to the medication during one appointment. This was definitely a setback but never-the-less we will push onward.  :-)

In all we've certainly had some ups and downs, good days and bad days, blessings and hurts but one thing has stayed constant and that is that God is still in control and He is doing a miraculous work in our son's life as well as ours.  

Isaac William Dose was born on Saturday, September 7th, 2013.  He was 12 days late and the labor was VERY VERY long but he was well worth the wait.  From the very beginning Isaac was pinned the nicknames: "I" and "IZ".

Isaac has been the love of our lives since his arrival.  He has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives.  I know all parents probably think this of their child but Isaac really is the SWEETEST boy in the world.  He loves life and lives it to the fullest.

Isaac is just like any toddler.  He loves to play with balls, cars and any other toy with loud noises and lights.  He enjoys Mickey Mouse, all kinds of superhero action figures and loves having dance parties!  We are amazed each day with how much he is taking in and he seems to learn something new every day.  

Most of all, Isaac loves his family.  When he sees them he immediately lights up and runs over to give his grandma, grandpa, aunt/uncle a  big ole hug.   Of course this makes for some very proud parents.  Undoubtedly, Isaac is a gift and a blessing from God and is a light to anyone that sees him. We are thankful for this little dude and how he epitomizes "LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST".

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