Sunday, January 22, 2023

MRI - January 23, 2022

Isaac is scheduled to have his next check up at the University of Iowa on Monday, January 23. This will mark the first time we've ever spread out these appointments to 1 full year!! He will begin the day with an 8am check in and his MRI should begin around 9am. After this test, we will have 3 additional appointments (oncology, neurology, and audiology). Should be a full day in Iowa City. :-)

We are praying for:
- Isaac will lie still during his scans so they can get good crisp images. We are trying to do it without sedation. It's over an hour MRI so obviously this has its challenges for an energetic 9 yr old boy
- good, stable scan results
- good communication with the various doctors we meet with after
- peace for Nick and I as we await results

Thanks for praying for our strong courageous boy.

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