Sunday, March 14, 2021

MRI - March 15

 March 15:

Update - Isaac did great at yesterday's appointment and I am happy to report that his results were also great.  His tumor remains stable and his oncologist said he can now start coming once a year (instead of every 6 month)!! This is wonderful news for us all!! So overall we are very happy with results. 

He has one more trip to Iowa City on Friday to review the Xrays he got yesterday.  I'm hopeful the appointment will go well. 

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Isaac and for reaching out to us. We are always so thankful for our community of great friends and family.  😁

March 14:

Its that time again... Isaac has his next MRI tomorrow. So today we drove Isaac down to the University of Iowa to get his Covid test (hospital policy for MRIs). Unfortunately for Isaac he had just gotten a Covid Test a few weeks ago when we were on vacation (in order to travel back to the US). That one didn't go great so Isaac was pretty anxious about the test today.  Overall he did good though. He definitely needed some help from mom and dad holding him down and talking him through it (and maybe a sizeable bribe 😉 to follow) but he finally let the nurse swab his nose and he did it without kicking. Just a some tears and maybe a little screaming.  We even made it back to CR in time for church and considering it was Day Light Savings we considered it a win. 

Tomorrow I will head back to Iowa City with Isaac for his next MRI. It's been a little over 7 months since his last one. Check in is at 10:20 with a 11:50 MRI and XRays and an appt with his oncologist later that afternoon. We are hoping and praying for good results also for safe travel as we are suppose to get some winter weather. Then on Friday we will head back for the 3rd time this week to the U for one more appt with the neuro dept. So lots of tracking back and forth this week but I am so thankful we are now back in CR and closer to the Children's Hospital. 

As always we appreciate you coming along side us and praying for Isaac.  

Above is a recent picture of Mr. Isaac while we were vacationing in the Dominican. 

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for the good results and God's protection as you travel! Isaac is becoming such a handsome young Man! Blessings to you as you continue serving God and waiting on Him for healing.
