Wednesday, July 29, 2020

MRI - Jul 29

July 29, 2020
Isaac had another MRI today. It was amazing to see how much more comfortable he was today even compared to his last one (8 months ago). With all the new Covid restrictions they would only allow 1 parent to come with so mom went along while dad stayed at home with the 2 girls. 

It was the first time Isaac went back to get sedated without mom by his side (another covid restriction 🙄). Mom didn't love that but according to the anesthesiologist Isaac did amazing with the mask and sedation. I was told he was very agreeable and didn't put up a fuss when he smelt the smelly gas. This was an improvement!

Isaac got XRays after his MRI. Results for XRays will come in a few days. 

His normal oncologist was out this week so we met with a different doctor. Prelim results were favorable from the MRI. The doctor actually said it looked like Isaac's actual tumor decreased in size which is AMAZING!! There is a cystic component though that appeared to increase in size however. So that is not great but this particular doctor didn't seem too concerned.  So we are cautiously optimistic but will be eager to hear from his normal oncologist and to hear the final reading of the MRI.  

As always we are so thankful to you all for keeping Isaac in your prayers. 

Here is Isaac at the Herky Hospital this morning at age 6 (& 3/4 as Isaac would say). 😉
I spoke with Isaac's normal oncologist this afternoon and she agreed with prelim results. Isaac will be back in 6 months. 💙