Thursday, July 19, 2018

MRI - July 20th

MRI Preliminary Results

Isaac's tumor is STABLE and the cyst appears to be almost GONE!! Boo Ya
Thanking God for this positive checkup! Doctors are extending the length between MRI's. Next one will be in Dec (5 months away). 

Overall Isaac did great! The sedation process was the best he's ever done. It was through a gas mask and Isaac "flew a jet plane". Haha  

Once again Mima and Papa accompanied us and took over Jemma duty which helped us a ton! 

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers for Isaac! 

July 20th Update

Isaac is all set for his next MRI check up. It'll be Friday (20th) and it starts at 10:40. We'll be traveling to Iowa City in the early morning.
It's hard to believe it's already been 4 months since his last scan.  As always we would appreciate you praying for our little boy. 
Isaac is currently loving summer! He gets together with his friends often,  just had his last T Ball game tonight and for this past week has been enjoying having his mima here. 

#ToughAsNails #MRI14

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