Wednesday, March 14, 2018

MRI - March 16th

March 16th Update:

Isaac's MRI today went great.  Preliminary reports suggested that his tumor is stable and the cystic portion actually shrunk slightly in size!! 

Isaac woke up in good spirits, and was a trooper during travel and while at the hospital.  He was surprised by his mima and papa after being checked in.  Of course he was happy to get to spend time with them.  

We were hoping for a very cooperative kiddo today.  We've been practicing the gas mask/sedation part at home. He even got to decorate his gas mask wth stickers which was a lot of fun for him.   We almost had it but when the sedation process started and the gas started flowing he was like "nope, I don't want this... I'm going back home now." Lol...So we did the old 3 person holding him down while keeping the gas mask on his face trick. Not necessarily enjoyable but it was probably the best sedation he's ever had so we are moving in the right direction.  

March 14th Update:

Isaac has his next MRI scheduled for this coming Friday (the 16th) in Iowa City.  The scan doesn't begin till 9:50 so we'll probably leave Des Moines that morning instead of staying the night the day before.  It'll be an early morning  with check in time at 8:20 + a 2 hour drive but hoping the kids will sleep in the car.  Here's to wishful thinking ;-)  

This will be the very first time we've stretched his MRI's to 4 months apart.  In the past we've always had them every 3 months (and in some cases even shorter periods). 

We are feeling pretty good about this scan but it's always a little nerve wrecking when it's MRI week.  We get so use to living a "normal"  life that sometimes we forget we have a child with a very serious medical issue that could change our lives' directions at any time.  It's such an enjoyment to be able to watch Isaac live life like other kids his age.  We are hoping and praying that he will continue to do just that.  

We'd appreciate your prayers that Isaac's tumor is stable and that the cyst (that gave us a scare a few months ago) goes away or stays at bay.  Isaac isn't showing any negative symptoms currently but as we've found out the hard way before sometimes things are growing internally without showing outward signs.  Praying that is not the care this time.  We are so thankful for you all that continue to show love and support to our favorite little guy.  

Isaac continues to do well.  His current favorite things are: 
1) Pre School
2) Racecars
3) Running really fast
4) Lightning McQueen and Jackson Storm (from Cars 3)
5) His sister, Jemma
6) and of course Mom and Dad

This picture was taken a few weeks ago when we visited the Botanical Center in Des Moines.  Isaac loved it!