Thursday, November 16, 2017

MRI - Nov 16th

November 16th Update:

This morning Isaac has his MRI bright and early at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital. We arrived at 6:40am with the procedure starting a little after 8. They recently had some sedation team changes so the process was a little different from what we've experienced in the past. They gave him some nasal medicine which was suppose to relax him and often makes patients very sleepy so that they are distracted for the IV part. Well no big surprise to nick and I but it didn't have the intended effect. He was his vibrant and strong-willed self for the IV part so then they decided to try a gas mask instead as he wasnt going to go out without a fight. Luckily they let me come back with him to try to keep him calm.  I tried to keep it together while he was fighting the gas mask. Gosh after 12 MRI's you'd think it would get better but no, I manage to cry at a number of them. This one just got me because I could hear him from underneath the mask crying and asking them to stop. Ughhh! But we got through it soon enough. 

After the MRI we met with his oncologist who said Isaac's tumor was stable! Preliminary report was good! Of course they need the radiologist to study / read the scans and offer the details but overall we are pleased!! So we go into Thanksgiving week very very thankful! 

We now have 1 year under our belts being off Chemo. Woo who!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

MRI - Nov 8th

November 8th Update:

MRI update: well it was a slightly frustrating day. About an hour after arriving at the hospital we were notified Isaac's MRI had been canceled!!! Evidently the backup generators weren't working and they couldn't do an MRI with anesthesia without them. Err... So we were discharged around 8am. Well we all were hungry so we headed to Panera for breakfast , then headed back to Des Moines and were back before noon. 

Trying to reschedule proved to be quite a challenge.  Originally I was told it was going to take a month and a half to get him in (insert angry mama bear). Let's just say I was less than thrilled about that ... Well long story short they were finally able to move things around enough to get us in next week, Thursday, the 16th (insert mama happy face now). 

Even though the day didn't go as planned on the bright side Isaac was a happy camper to not have to do the MRI today.

November 7th Update:

Well it's that time again. Isaac has his next MRI Wednesday, Nov 8th. I believe this will be his 12th!! (Geez 😮)...The procedure will be at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital. We have to be there at 6:40 in the morning so we came up a day early and are staying overnight in Iowa City. Isaac's Mima (Nick's mom) also came up this evening and will be helping me with the kids tomorrow as Nick unfortunately won't be able to be there . He was already scheduled to be out of town in Atlanta. So I'm so thankful for Mima's extra help!! It would be extremely difficult to manage 2 kids alone while in the hospital.

We are hopeful that Isaac's tumor has remained stable with no cyst growth. 

These past 3 months Isaac has been doing great. He went on his Make A Wish Trip, turned 4 and started pre school. He is loving his "normal" life! 

As always will you join us in praying for our little Hawkeye!