Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Reveal Party: Make A Wish Trip

August 23rd Update:

Only 5 more days!!!! Isaac is then going on his Make A Wish trip to Disney World!!!  

Make A Wish, Iowa had a Reveal Party for him last week where we met up for some "Superman" ice cream and they presented him with "his wish" which was to meet Captain America (@Universal) and go to Disney World. They had big balloons and gave him a number of different superhero capes and masks that he can bring with him. He is a huge superhero fan so this was so fitting for him and his wish. He was so happy!!

Nick and I are so thankful for this amazing organization! How awesome is it that Isaac is being blessed with this amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity for absolutely FREE! Just unbelievable. We are so grateful to be able to share in this with Isaac. We've always thought of this trip and have tried to explain it to Isaac as a reward for all his hard work and bravery that he showed those 2 years of Chemo. I thank God that we are able to go on this trip while he is feeling well and healthy.  He is going to have the time of his life!! And mom and dad are in for some long days in Orlando because it's going to be hard to slow this boy down once he gets there! :-) Wish us luck!

These 2 lovely ladies presented Isaac with his Wish.

Superman ice cream for a super hero little boy!


All decked out and ready to rumble!

1 comment:

  1. This make a wish trip birthday bash looks fabulous. I bet that everyone had a blasting time in this fun themed party. I was also settled abroad for a long time but have recently got back to the home city. It’s been a long time I haven’t had any celebrations with my family. So we all are making plans for a family party at some beachside event space NYC. Can’t wait for it.
