Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Reveal Party: Make A Wish Trip

August 23rd Update:

Only 5 more days!!!! Isaac is then going on his Make A Wish trip to Disney World!!!  

Make A Wish, Iowa had a Reveal Party for him last week where we met up for some "Superman" ice cream and they presented him with "his wish" which was to meet Captain America (@Universal) and go to Disney World. They had big balloons and gave him a number of different superhero capes and masks that he can bring with him. He is a huge superhero fan so this was so fitting for him and his wish. He was so happy!!

Nick and I are so thankful for this amazing organization! How awesome is it that Isaac is being blessed with this amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity for absolutely FREE! Just unbelievable. We are so grateful to be able to share in this with Isaac. We've always thought of this trip and have tried to explain it to Isaac as a reward for all his hard work and bravery that he showed those 2 years of Chemo. I thank God that we are able to go on this trip while he is feeling well and healthy.  He is going to have the time of his life!! And mom and dad are in for some long days in Orlando because it's going to be hard to slow this boy down once he gets there! :-) Wish us luck!

These 2 lovely ladies presented Isaac with his Wish.

Superman ice cream for a super hero little boy!


All decked out and ready to rumble!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

MRI - Aug 4th

Aug 4th Update:

MRI initial report is positive... Isaac's tumor and cyst remain stable! Praise the Lord! 

The morning started on a good note, Isaac slept until 5 minutes till 8 (which is when we had to leave) so the whole not eating breakfast thing wasn't a huge deal. He did ask for food a few times later on but we managed to distract him easily enough. 

Isaac's Mima and Papa met us at the hospital which was a huge help. Isaac was instantly happy when we arrived as he hasn't seen them in a few weeks. Then we got great nurses today  as well which ALWAYS makes such a difference! Isaac wasn't a huge fan of the IV but with the help of child life and one of Isaacs favorite nurses from his Chemo days he got through it with only a few tears. 

He woke up from sedation happy. Then we headed up to his appointment with his oncologist. Unfortunately they were running way behind and we ended up having to wait an extra hour and a half to be seen.  But well worth the wait when his oncologist came in saying everything was stable! Next MRI will be in 3 months unless he shows any negative symptoms. 

So with a good scan this means that Isaac gets to go on his special Make A Wish trip to Disney in 3 weeks to meet Captain America!! And then in 4 weeks he gets to start Pre School for the first time. I can't begin to tell you how blessed this makes us feel! 

Just got home from Iowa City around 6pm and had some celebratory pizza delivered! Yum yum! Nothing beats pizza after a long day at the hospital! And bonus mom doesn't have to cook. :-)

Aug 3rd Update:

We are traveling back to Iowa City for another MRI at the University of Iowa just 6 short weeks after Isaac's last one. His MRI is on Friday the 4th and doesn't start till 11 (with a check in at 10 am). So we plan on leaving from DM in the morning and traveling the 2 hours in the morning. Normally we get the 7am slot and stay overnight in Iowa city the night before but not so lucky this go round. I kind of always dread these mornings because Isaac isn't allowed to eat and with this MRI being so much later we'll most likely be dealing with a fussy and very hungry little boy tomorrow. It's so hard to tell your child he can't eat when he says "Mommy, I'm hungry, can i have some food please?"  But we'll make me most of it.  Nick and I usually keep Isaac up a little later t
han normal the night before and give him some good old fashion midnight snacks. Let's hope that does the trick this time. Haha

We are praying for good scans tomorrow. As most of you know last scan was not very favorable thus forcing us to do this scan so much sooner than normal. Last time there was a large cyst that grew on top of his tumor. I'm praying that miraculously it just disappears and that the tumor remains stable. 

Last scan they talked about another possible brain surgery. Obviously we are hoping that is not what we'll be discussing again tomorrow. Please pray for peace tomorrow and for Nick and I to cast ALL our cares on Him. Help us to have strength to deal with whatever results may come. We know God is so good and we are trusting in His perfect plan for Isaac's life.

Will you also join us in praying for Isaac as he goes through another MRI. Last one was his first without his port so getting his IV started was pretty traumatic for him. Parents that have had their kids in there hospital know what I'm taking about. Gosh you'd do anything to have them be sticking needless in you instead of your helpless and scared child. It's so hard to keep your child calm when they are kicking and screaming and have a number of nurses holding them down. So here's to hoping this one goes better. 

In other news Isaac has been doing really well. He's had no negative symptoms. PTL