Sunday, July 9, 2017

Next MRI Scheduled

July 9th Update:

Isaac has his next MRI scheduled for Friday, Aug 4th in Iowa City. This comes just 6 short weeks after his last one. He is doing well currently and is not showing any negative symptoms. However we do have a couple appointments this week for him. They wanted him to go see an eye doctor because of the positioning and placement of the cyst could cause double vision or similar problems. We don't think he has any problems currently but it's kind if hard to know what a 3 year old is seeing. Next, we are going back to Blanks Hospital in Des Moines to have a neurological exam done. This is half way between his last MRI and next one. 

We are still praying like crazy that his tumor remains stable and that the cyst shrinks. We serve a great and mighty God who can do miracles. #HeIsHealer #ToughAsNails

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