Thursday, June 22, 2017

MRI Results

June 26th Update:

Well it's been kind of a roller coaster of a week.  Not going to lie my patience has been tested but my faith in God strengthened. 

After 1 whole week of waiting on results which would determine whether Isaac would be needing a second brain surgery we finally heard back from Boston around 5pm. The Boston neurosurgeon doesn't think he needs surgery right away! (Phew) She instead agreed with the wait and see approach.  With that said she doesn't want to wait the normal 3 months to get another MRI due to the rapid growth Isaac's cyst has had. So we'll rescan him at the beginning of August and hope for no additional growth.  This is the plan as long as he remains 100%symptom free... hurray!!! God is good. 

So looks like we'll get a "normal" Summer after all.  Yay! We've been so enjoying our new freedom with having no port and not having to worry about germs, sickness, chemo, etc so the thought of that being taken away was so frightening! So for the time being we'll sit back and try to enjoy as much summer as possible. 

We are now aware of the possible symptoms that he might start showing if the cyst is growing. We will be watching him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't become  symptomatic. We are under strict orders to call the hospital or go to the emergency room right away if we notice any symptoms. Eek! So that part is a bit unnerving but that's just going to have to be a part of our life now. 

So if you could pray over the next few weeks that the cyst decreases in size we'd so appreciate it! 

This picture is from this past weekend. We went to a local town festival. Isaac got to ride a pony and he absolutely LOVED it!

June 20th Update:
Wanted to write a quick update on Isaac's MRI as a number of people have been asking.  Unfortunately the initial results from the University of Iowa were a little bit disappointing. We found out that he has a cyst on his brain tumor that has grown over the past 6 months somewhat significantly. It's in a dangerous spot and is pushing on some vital areas in the brain. Our University of Iowa oncologist said that we might be facing another brain surgery to either remove or drain the cyst, not sure which one it would be because of the dangerous location. Our other option is to wait 4-6 weeks and then get another MRI to make sure nothing is growing (instead of his normal 3 month check up). There was also discussion about starting on another Chemo again. 😢

We obviously want a second opinion so the MRI images were overnighted to Boston Children's Hospital on Monday and we've been waiting to hear back from Boston ever since. (Boston is where Isaac had his first brain surgery.) It's very daunting to sit here and wait not knowing what will come. We keep praying to God and asking him for Peace during this. We are very hopeful that we will hear something on Friday. Luckily he is showing no negative symptoms and continues to be his vibrant, upbeat self. 

Will keep you posted once we hear more. 

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