Thursday, April 6, 2017

2 Years Ago

April 7th Update:

2 years ago was a devastating day for our family as we were told that our baby boy had a brain tumor.  This was one of the worst days ever... Now, flash forward 2 years and many miracles later and this family has so much to be thankful for...

For starters Isaac's tumor is "stable" and just this week we found out that Isaac gets to have his port removed (or as we call it his "Iron Man Blast" :-)).  His surgery is scheduled for this coming Monday, the 10th.  Yay!  I can't begin to explain how much we've been wanting this day to come.  His port was great for getting chemo treatments and made these appointments more manageable but its the constant worrying about him getting sick and the port infected, and the middle of the night rush to the ER trips that have been "challenging" we'll say.  I am so thankful that Isaac gets to close this chapter of his life and live like a normal little boy.  Of course, I know his life will never be "normal" with constant follow up appointments but we'll take it.  :-)

Isaac has come so far since that awful day in 2015.  He continues to amaze Nick and I each and every day.

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