Friday, January 6, 2017

MRI Results

MRI Results:

As you know Isaac had an MRI on Thursday. This was the first MRI since he finished chemotherapy 1 month ago.  We were all excited about the possibility of removing his port as long as the scans were good.  We've never had a "bad" scan since he was first diagnosed so perhaps we just expected this scan to be the exact same.  While we waited for the results (as Isaac was still recovering from the sedation) we even met with the surgeon to discuss removing his port next week. 

Unfortunately, his MRI results weren't what we expected or hoped for. There's a region of his tumor (on the lower end of the brain stem) that showed some differences from his last scan causing some reason for concern.  Thus, the doctors recommended postponing his port surgery and also moving up his next MRI to be in 2 months (instead of the normal 3).  That means that his next MRI will be scheduled mid March, just 2 weeks after I'm scheduled to give birth to our baby daughter.  :-(

As you can imagine this was pretty disheartening news.  We really wanted his port out and now that isn't going to happen and then the timing of his next MRI isn't ideal with a newborn on the way. 

But regardless we are still choosing to believe that God's plan is better than ours, even when we don't get it, even when it doesn't fit our "earthly" timeline, and even when it's not what we wanted.  God still knows what He is doing and we have to trust Him in this. 

So what does this mean for Isaac?... Now because the port stays in we need to continue to be extra careful about germs and sickness (particularly during these winter months) because if Isaac gets even a tiny little 100 degree fever he goes to the hospital.  It also means that he'll have to go back to the local children's hospital a few more times for port flushes and monthly doses of antibiotics.  This part kind of kills us as parents.  We've been explaining to Issac that he is done with chemo and we were counting down the number of port accesses left (thinking that last Thursday would be his very last one).  Well now he'll have to get a few more, and it's just hard to explain that to a 3 year old that wants to be done with all this.  So praying God helps Isaac accept this piece.  Then lastly next scan will determine if we can take the port out at that time or if further treatment options are needed.  I must admit the thought of having to start over again with new treatment makes me sick to my stomach.  So I'm trying not to think of that and trying to focus on God's promises and how much He loves my little boy and wants the best for him. So regardless of what happens in 2 months I know it will be OK.

In all, despite not being the best news in the world we also acknowledge that the news could have been far worse and we are still very thankful to have this fireball of a boy in our lives that will continue to fight the good fight. We are hoping this is just a small hiccup on this journey.

Thanks for your prayers in Thursday.  We so appreciate being lifted up in prayer and we would ask that you continue to keep our sweet boy on your minds and in your prayers the next 2 months. 

Be a blessing.

Nick and Allison

1 comment:

  1. I'm disappointed with you guys and especially for Isaac. Having raised a chronically ill child we understand the sadness that comes with their lack of understanding. :( You are all fighting the good fight and keeping the faith. You are all shining as lights in the midst of a dark and broken world. I won't stop praying for your sweet family. Also, I'm looking forward to the news of baby girl's birth!! Blessings!
