Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Monthly trip to the hospital

January 24th Update:

I took Isaac back to the hospital this morning for his monthly antibiotics infusion.  Hopefully he'll only need 1 more dose in February and then get to be all done with medicine!

I wasn't sure how'd he react to having to go back to the hospital (as we kind of all thought we'd be done by now), but overall he did amazing.  Sure he fussed at home when I put his numbing cream on his port but once we got to the hospital he was nothing but smiles.  This was of course due to the fact that he got to see ALL of his favorite people there.  His nurse,  Morgan,  was there, and his child life buddy,  Kathy,  was too.  He was just as talkative as ever. He cracks me up at the stuff he tells them all. 

We were there for a few hours and then got to come home in time for nap. 

A lot of you have asked how he's been doing since his last scans earlier this month.  The answer is great! Besides having to go to the hospital for 1 fever, we've successfully kept him away from any other sickness. He's as active as ever and getting ready for this baby sister of his.  She'll be here in 5 weeks! Nick and I are very excited for her to join the family and for Isaac to get promoted to a big brother.  He's gonna nail it! :-)

Next appointment is in 4 weeks for Mr. Isaac.  As always thank you for keeping him and our family in your prayers.  We so appreciate the support.  

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