Thursday, November 24, 2016


November 23rd Update:

We are overjoyed to share with you all that this brave little boy finished his last treatment of Chemotherapy today!!!
The road was heartbreaking, hope-filled, frustrating, time-consuming and now joyous! We give thanks to God that our son is with us and now has an amazing story to share. This lil guy has had to deal with Chemotherapy and a wide array of other medical events. Here are some numbers to show you how much Mr. Isaac has endured.

596 days since Isaac was diagnosed with a brain tumor
116 blood tests
77 port accesses
68 chemo treatments
13 overnight stays in the hospital
9 shots given at home by Mom and Dad
8 hour brain surgery
7 MRI's (with many more to come)
7 fevers (that required him going to the hospital)
2 ER visits
1 allergic reaction to his chemo
1 overnight stay in the ICU

We couldn’t be more thankful on the eve of Thanksgiving. Hold onto those you love and remember family is a gift from God.

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” That is Isaac’s verse he was dedicated to when he was just a month old. I’d say this verse is pretty darn perfect for him.


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