Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chemo - Week 46

October 13th Update:

Isaac's counts Wednesday plummeted from last week.  He's unfortunately  now neutropenic so he can't get chemo today.  Also had to give him his "booster" shot last night before bed time cause counts were so low.   Gosh it never gets easier to hold down your child and stick him with a needle.  Err! But we got through it as we always do. 

In times past we've moved Isaac's mattress into our room for a "slumber party" as he tends to wake up more with bone passion when he gets this shot.  Well last night we didn't mention it to Issac but we planned to try keeping him in his room to see how he did.  Well a few minutes after the shot was over he says "Now, let's go get my bed and have a slumber party" :-) little stinker totally remembered the times pasts.  So what did we do.... we had a slumber party.  Haha.

He unfortunately didn't do as well as he's done at night the past couple times. He woke up A Lot! So about 3am he ended up in the middle of our bed and then after that we all got some decent sleep. 

6 more treatments left!

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