Thursday, October 27, 2016

Chemo - Week 48

October 27th Update:

Isaac wore his Captain America Halloween costume to his chemo treatment today.  The nurses,  and staff loved it, as did Isaac.  :-)  After his treatment (when we were getting ready to leave) he was showing off his costume to a group of nurses and then all of a sudden salutes them while saying "Captain America reporting for duty", then turns to leave... and that was that :-) haha

Only 4 more left! Getting real now!!!

Chemo - Will 47

October 20th Update:

Isaac is down to 5 chemo treatments left.  Today's chemo went well.  Isaac was greeted by a group of college kids with the organization "Love Your Melon". They all dressed up as superheros and wow capes.  They gave Isaac a green hat to wear in the winter and a superhero coloring page.  Isaac of course loved their theme. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chemo - Week 46

October 13th Update:

Isaac's counts Wednesday plummeted from last week.  He's unfortunately  now neutropenic so he can't get chemo today.  Also had to give him his "booster" shot last night before bed time cause counts were so low.   Gosh it never gets easier to hold down your child and stick him with a needle.  Err! But we got through it as we always do. 

In times past we've moved Isaac's mattress into our room for a "slumber party" as he tends to wake up more with bone passion when he gets this shot.  Well last night we didn't mention it to Issac but we planned to try keeping him in his room to see how he did.  Well a few minutes after the shot was over he says "Now, let's go get my bed and have a slumber party" :-) little stinker totally remembered the times pasts.  So what did we do.... we had a slumber party.  Haha.

He unfortunately didn't do as well as he's done at night the past couple times. He woke up A Lot! So about 3am he ended up in the middle of our bed and then after that we all got some decent sleep. 

6 more treatments left!

Chemo - Week 45

October 6th Update:

Forgot to post last week's but Isaac received his 44th dose of chemo last Thursday.  :-)

He still has that pesky cough which developed into walking pneumonia this week.  We've been struggling with getting medicine into this little boy as he has gag reflexes like his mother when it comes to medicine.  He will literally gag up the medicine and then proceed to throw up.  lol  We are working on it.  :-)

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Chemo - Week 44

September 30th Update:

This week looked a little different for us.  We were in Texas visiting grandma and grandpa and so most of our weekly appointments were skipped.  We got home on Thursday (Isaac's normal chemo day) so we had them move Isaac's 44th chemo to Friday morning instead.  We also got blood counts that morning instead of the day before.

Isaac's counts were once again GREAT, thanks to a little cough he's been fighting.  Of course his cough gets pretty bad while on vacation in Texas but I think the cough is getting much better now, so I'm hoping his counts can stay high too once the cough fully goes away.

8 more treatments to go!!!