Thursday, September 22, 2016

Chemo - Week 43

September 22nd Update:

Isaac's counts soared this week thanks to a little cold he's been fighting.   this was actually good news because we've been struggling with counts the past few weeks..  then today at his chemo appt they had his meds ready super fast so I totally thought this would be a very quick trip.  Unfortunately Isaac's port started having problems.  It wasn't returning any blood. They had 3 different nurses try to mess with it but no luck.  So they gave him some special medicine to try to break down whatever was causing the blockage.  It ran over 30 minutes; luckily after waiting,  his port started working just great.  So long story short,  it ended up being a little longer of a morning at the hospital but we are down to 9 chemo's left! Single digits!!

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