Friday, September 2, 2016

Chemo - Week 40

Sept 1 Update:

We made it to week 40 on Thursday! Only 12 more to go!  Isaac's counts on Wednesday were a little disappointing as they went from being the highest they've ever been last week to barely meeting threshold for chemo this week. But never the less we still made it. Isaac was pretty resistant to the procedures this week unfortunately. He normally does so well but ever once and a while he just isn't having it. ;-)

As a side note we walk into the back where all the check up rooms are and Isaac sees his awesome nurse, Morgan, and the first thing he says is "Hi Morgan, I'm gonna be a big brother!" :-) just right when and where he said it was perfect because we were right outside the nurses station so the rest of the staff heard too. Everyone was excited! 

Here's a pic we took last week. Isaacs little superhero sibling to arrive in March!

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