Monday, August 22, 2016

Low blood counts

August 22nd Update:

We rechecked IZ's blood counts this morning and to my surprise they were worse than Friday's. :-( I guess it's not uncommon for kids on chemo to need this "booster medicine" a few times a week from what I've been told. However in the over a year that Isaac's been receiving it he's never needed it more than 1 dose within a week or 2 timeframe. Now all of a sudden we have to give it to him 3 times in 6 days!  Poor Isaac is not a fan on getting a shot, but what kid would be I guess. Thinking I should have went to school for nursing instead of getting my accounting degree (seems it would have better suited me for this new role I've had to enter). Lol. I'm not quite sure I'll ever get use to giving my son a shot. #hardtodo #wishusluck

So Isaac will receive another injection tonight and then we'll recheck his counts again on Wednesday.

Good thing he's one tough superhero. :-)

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