Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Low blood counts - Week 38

August 19th Update:

We took Isaac in to recheck his blood this morning to ensure he wasn't neutropenic anymore. In the past, every time we've had to give Isaac his booster shot at home his counts sky rocket the next couple of days and we are good for the week. Unfortunately, today's results weren't so great. Even after his booster shot on Wednesday, today he's still considered neutropenic. His counts did rise compared to Wednesdays counts but still not high enough.. Shucks. :-( So this means that we'll give him another dose of his booster shot tonight and recheck again on Monday. So our prayers will be the same that he stays away from germs, sickness, etc. Wish we would have known about his counts earlier in the day because Nick and I took the lil guy to the Iowa State Fair this morning (probably not the germ free zone we are looking for). ;-)  but we had fun!

August 17th Update:

Isaac went in like normal for his weekly check of blood counts this morning. Unfortunately the results weren't ideal. His neutrophil count was VERY LOW (only 90)! So needless to say Isaac will not be getting chemo tomorrow. Instead, Nick and I will administer his "booster" shot tonight before bed (definitely not looking forward to that). Praying that Isaac will miraculously sleep well tonight as this medicine we have to give him comes with "bone pain" as a side effect. :-( Giving it to him right before bed is always suggested so the child sleeps through the pain.  However Isaac has regressed with his sleeping lately and has been waking up numerous times a night, so this will be interesting. 

So please pray that Isaac's counts will bounce back fast and that he can stay away from germs and stay fever free. If he gets a fever while being neutraphenic then he'll need to be hospitalized (needless to say we would like to avoid that). Thanks as always! 

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