Thursday, August 11, 2016

Chemo - Week 35, 36, 37

August 11th Update:

Today Isaac's getting his next dose of chemo. He's also due for his monthly  antibiotic so it will be a slightly longer appointment but thus far Isaac hasn't minded as there's always fun toys to keep him occupied here.

So technically we are on week 35.  However in talking with our University of Iowa oncologist last week she thought that we could "count" the 2 weeks that he missed recently due to his blood counts being too low for chemo. thus, today we are now considering Isaac at Week 37!!  Also going forward we will still count the weeks even if he misses in the future. This news made my day because now we will have a "for sure end date" for chemo such I believe is in December. Then we'll get his next MRI in the beginning of January and also we'll meet with a surgeon to discuss removing his port. Not going to lie, it's going to be so nice to get rid of the port and not have to worry about fevers!!! Can't wait! 

For the time being, we will take each week by week but am thankful that we are getting close to the end. :-)

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