Thursday, July 7, 2016

Week 30 - low blood counts continue

June 30 Update:

This post is a week late. Whoops. 

Isaac continued to struggle with his blood counts. At Wednesdays appointment he was still neutrapenic. So we brought him into the hospital on Thursday evening to have a nurse give him his "booster shot". This helps his body make more neutrophils. The plus side is that mom and dad didn't need to administer the shot themselves. The down fall is that this medicine has a negative side effect.... Bone Pain!. Poor Isaac definitely suffered from this that night. It was well past midnight before we got him to bed because he was in so much pain. Then he was up a number of times through out the night. This broke mama's heart. It's heart breaking to try to console your child when there is nothing you can do to help. I so wanted to be able to take away the pain but nothing worked. :-(  Luckily when he woke up in the morning the pain had gone and he was back to normal (although mom was a tad tired) ;-)

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