Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Fever #7

July 19th Update:

Yesterday evening Isaac started having a low grade fever. He seemed fine all day but then randomly started throwing up around 5 or 6. So i then took his temp...  It was below the threshold for having to take him in right away so instead we kept checking it every hour. It had gone down at first and we were really hoping it would stay down but then at bed time (of course) we take it again and it has jumped up a whole degree and was at the "take him to the hospital right away" limit. Errr! So we packed up and headed for the ER.

This of course is at the end of one of the worst days ever. I (mom) had not been feeling well all day and think threw up 10 different times through out the day. Dad wasn't feeling the greatest either but what do you do?!?! Thankfully i finally was able to keep some medicine in my system right before that so i thought I'd be OK to come to the hospital with the boys as i was beginning to feel "slightly" better. Nope, wrong choice Allison. Right after his port access at the hospital i had to give Isaac to dad so i could go throw up again. Then on top of that one of the medicines i had taken had sleeping medicine in it which was causing me to barely be able to keep my eyes open. We were probably a sight to see. From a outside perspective one would have thought i was the reason for the hospital visit. Isaac just did great. It was so late but he just sat on the bed like a big boy playing with his superheros and watching mickey mouse. 

Isaac's blood counts were thankfully high enough. So they gave him some antibiotics which ran over 30 minutes and cultered his blood then we got sent home. Thank the LORD! We got home a little after 11. Of course i start throwing up right when i get home and Isaac needed his mom to put him to bed. This delayed bed time even more. Luckily by the time i got myself put back together and off of the bathroom floor, Isaac went down pretty well. Thank the Lord for his extra dose of strength he gave us at different moments throughout the day. Can't do it without Him!

Isaac slept in till 8:30 today and was fever free!  Praying we all stay away from more sickness. 

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