Thursday, July 28, 2016

Chemo - Week 33

July 28th Update:

Today Isaac had his 33rd chemo treatment. His counts from retreat had almost doubled compared to last week! 

The doctor did notice Isaac's lymph nodes were enlarged. We are hoping it's just a late effect from the virus he had a week ago but we did a urine sample just to be sure. That was interesting with a 2 year old! ;-) Isaac was not thrilled about it but as soon as i told him he could pee standing up he was all for it and filled up almost the whole cup. Luckily we got through it but it was slightly on the "messy" side. Haha

Next week is already Isaac's next MRI. So we will travel back to the University of Iowa for the test and then we'll get his next dose of chemo there as well. 

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