Wednesday, May 4, 2016

MRI and Chemo - Week 23


The MRI went well today. However we had a slight hiccup as Isaac woke up with a fever this morning. Luckily we still were able to do the procedures planned but Isaac was a little crankier during it all. 😕

We are back home now in Des Moines but Isaac still has a high fever. Unfortunately he doesn't take medicine well so we've yet to get rid of it. I'm praying he sleeps it off. His blood was cultured at Iowa this morning so we should get results back tomorrow but praying it's just a virus.  Poor little guy can't catch a break. But he's been such a trooper today. I'm thankful i get to be his mommy even if he comes with a little extra work (it's always with it) 😊.  Appreciate your prayers!

May 5th Update:

Nick and I will be traveling to Iowa City with Isaac for his next MRI and chemo treatment.  It’s been 3 months since his last MRI and so we are due for new scans.  As for chemo, it will be his 23rd.  This is the first time we are going back to the U of I since we’ve transferred to Blanks in Des Moines.  I am kind of excited to go back and see the familiar faces of our beloved nurses and doctors there.  J  With that said, I am not necessarily looking forward to the full day of appointments. 
We are scheduled to arrive at 10am for his port access.  Then we’ll head down to imaging at 11 and his MRIs should begin at noon.  Unfortunately we got the later time slot which will be “interesting” as Isaac won’t be able to eat or drink anything prior.  :-(  It always kills me to have to tell him he can’t have breakfast or a drink before these procedures.  It sure is hard to explain to a 2 year old…  Hoping and praying he will just miraculously not be hungry tomorrow morning.  ;-)
After the MRIs are complete and Isaac wakes up from sedation we will meet with a few doctors (oncologist and radiologists) and then lastly Isaac will receive his chemo.  I imagine it will be a very long day but I am thankful Nick will be with me this time. 

We’d appreciate your prayers as we travel to Iowa City, and Isaac undergoes yet another MRI.  We are truly thankful for the support shown for our brave little guy. 
It does not make things easy,

It makes them possible

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