Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Fever #5

April 14th Update:

Isaac still had a slight fever this morning but they still did chemo. We got home from his appointment right before noon and I took his temperature and it was higher. So i called the hospital and unfortunately they had us come back.  ðŸ˜•  so we are now at the hospital for the 3rd time in 24 hours....

We had to re-access his port which he wasn't thrilled about.  Then we ran into issues in getting blood return. An hour later we finally got it to work and they started him on more antibiotics and now we are just waiting for blood results.  If counts are over 500 they'll let us go home again.  If they are under 500, they'll admit him overnight.  Hoping for some good news... 😊  now he is resting comfortably in mom's arms. 

Luckily Isaacs counts were high enough so we got to go home after a few hours. 😊 still has a fever but at least we can enjoy the comfort of home. 

April 13th Update:

Unfortunately Isaac came down with a low grade fever this afternoon.  So we are at the hospital right now waiting on blood work.  Each hospital has different protocols when it comes to fever for kids like Isaac.  Here at Blanks they will let Isaac go home if his blood counts are high enough (even despite the fever).  So we are just waiting for results while getting some antibiotics just in case.

We are hoping it's just a virus and that they'll let us go home today. Could be one perk of moving to Des Moines and transferring hospitals 😉.

We'll keep everyone posted.

7pm update:

Isaac was sent home from the hospital a few hours ago. His blood counts came back above the minimum requirement. So as long as he doesn't become neutrapenic then he can rest and get better here at home rather than the hospital. 😊  this is a different in procedure.  At the U of I any fever meant automatic 3 day admission. But here that is not the case.  They did culture his blood and they will monitor it for the next 3 days to make sure no bacteria grows. As long as it stays clear then Isaac should be good to go. He does still have a fever and deep cough but it's most likely a virus and should clear up on its own.  So here's to hoping he'll be better very soon!! 

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

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