Thursday, April 28, 2016

Chemo - Week 22

April 28th Update:

Today Isaac had his 22nd chemo. Only 30 more to go! 😉 While getting his meds Isaac was pretty excited to get to watch Mickey Mouse on the Disney channel because we recently got rid of cable and he doesn't get to see it anymore. And bonus for him, he had his 1 hour long antibiotic so that meant more screen time for this little guy. He didn't seem to mind the longer appointment today. 😉

Right before we left a group of "superheros" stopped in to see our lil guy. You should have seen Isaac's face light up when a nurse popped her head on and asked if Isaac wanted a visit from Batman!  "Ya, Ya, Ya!!!!" He said. They presented him with a superhero cape and mask and told him that he was a superhero! It was so sweet! Although this picture suggests otherwise Isaac really was pretty happy to have this visit (and so was mom). Thank you Blanks!

Next week we'll be traveling back to the UofI to get chemo #23 as Isaac will also be getting his next MRI then. Sure will be as long day of appointments but will be nice to get to see everyone there and get all appointments done together. 

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