Thursday, April 7, 2016

Chemo - Week 19

April 7th Update:

Today marks the 1 year anniversary since Isaac was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It's been quite the rollercoaster of a year. 1 year ago today we didn't know if we would have our son with us a few more weeks, but we are so blessed that God spared our son and we still have him in our lives today. God has done so much in our lives and we are so thankful for all that he provided. There were a lot of ups and downs but God was the one constant. 😊  He never ceases to amaze me.  Your support also has been a tremendous help! We've had so many go on this crazy journey with us and we will forever be grateful!  Thank you!!

Isaac got his 19th chemo treatment today. We have 33 more weeks to go pending things continue to progress well and as planned. We know that there are always hiccups in the road (hey we had to start over at week #1 after an allergic reaction 7 months into treatment but that's ok). We still have a fighting chance and we'll take whatever life throws at us. 😀

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