Saturday, February 27, 2016

Chemo - Week 13

February 25th Update:

Isaac got to spend all week with his aunt Rachel and his mima Gayle while dad and i were in Orlando for a Chick-fil-A seminar. So mima took him for his blood work at a different lab where he didn't know the nurses but he did great! And his blood counts were great too! So chemo on Thursday was a Go! I was home for that so i took Isaac in. It was a slightly longer one because he also got his monthly  antibiotic. 

When we first got to our infusion room a child life specialist came by with a build a bear box and said that someone had donated this particular bear and all the staff there thought it "had to go to Isaac". 😊  Isaac opened it up to find a custom made Spiderman bear (or as Isaac says it "Sipey-Bear"). He instantly loved it and it's been a new addition to his crib club when he goes to sleep. 😉

Thank you to the generous people that pour love into kids like Isaac!

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