Saturday, February 27, 2016

Chemo - Week 13

February 25th Update:

Isaac got to spend all week with his aunt Rachel and his mima Gayle while dad and i were in Orlando for a Chick-fil-A seminar. So mima took him for his blood work at a different lab where he didn't know the nurses but he did great! And his blood counts were great too! So chemo on Thursday was a Go! I was home for that so i took Isaac in. It was a slightly longer one because he also got his monthly  antibiotic. 

When we first got to our infusion room a child life specialist came by with a build a bear box and said that someone had donated this particular bear and all the staff there thought it "had to go to Isaac". 😊  Isaac opened it up to find a custom made Spiderman bear (or as Isaac says it "Sipey-Bear"). He instantly loved it and it's been a new addition to his crib club when he goes to sleep. 😉

Thank you to the generous people that pour love into kids like Isaac!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chemo - week 13 blood counts

February 17th Update:

Unfortunately Isaacs blood counts were too low today which means that he will miss chemo tomorrow. So we'll check again next week and hoping he'll be able to boost those counts up for next Thursday. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Chemo - Week 12

February 11th Update:

Isaac had his 12th chemo today! That means only 40 more to go....

Today Isaac was a lot more "chipper" than normal and was talking up a storm with his favorite nurses. 😊

Monday, February 8, 2016

4th MRI and Results

MRI Results:
Isaac's brain tumor remained STABLE since his last scan in November! 😊 Praise God!! 

Isaac will continue to receive chemotherapy once a week but we will be transferring to Blank's Children's Hospital in Des Moines as we move to that area in March.  He will still keep his oncologists at Iowa as there is no "brain tumor specialist" at Blank's but I've been assured that the weekly administration of chemo is the exact same anywhere you go do it will save us a lot of travel time.  So we'll just have a combination of care at both hospitals.  Then Isaac's next MRI will be in 3 months and will take place back at the University of Iowa. 

February 8th Update:

Heading in this morning for Isaac 4th MRI.  As always, we would love for you to join us in prayer as we ask God to keep our little boy safe and heal him completely. 😊  This will be his first MRI since he's switched chemo treatments.  So we are really praying that his treatment has been working and that we will have favorable results!!!

Unfortunately dad can't be there as he's in Atlanta this week training for his new job with Chick-fil-A but I'm hopeful that Isaac will still do great with just mom. 😉

We hope to get results either this evening or tomorrow. Will keep everyone posted.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Chemo - Week 11

February 4th Update:

Today Isaac got his 11th dose of chemo.  Doctors originally thought we'd try going up to 75% dosage but his counts today were low so we kept it at the 50% yet again. This change as well as another mix up made this a lengthy appointment. What should have been 1 hour ended up being over 4. 😕  but Isaac was truely great. Because of his patience i treated him to be my"coffee" date down at the hospitals cafe. While i drank real coffee IZ got a little taste of apple cider which he loved and thought was "coffee". 😊

Monday is Isaac's next MRI!!! Please be praying for him.