Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26th Update:

This year we have a LOT to be thankful for. For starters we are thankful we still have our son. Even in the midst of what most would say is an extremely hard situation God has been with us and provided us blessing upon blessing. A lot of the blessings have come from our family and friends that have poured into our lives and waked this scary road with us. Thank you for being with us and for praying for our sweet little boy. Although I would never have wished this on us or anyone else for that matter, we are thankful that we've gone through it as it's strengthened our faith in God and helped us to rely on Him so much more.
We are thankful we were able to get Isaac the greatest medical care in Boston that he needed. We are thankful for all the awesome nurses here in Iowa that care for him during his chemotherapy treatments, blood work, and all those unexpected fever stays. And lastly we are just thankful that God is in control.  Happy Thanksgiving from the Dose family!!!

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