Saturday, December 26, 2015

Fever #4

December 29th Update:

Isaac got discharged late afternoon!! No more fevers and blood counts were high! Woo Whoo!

December 28th Update:

Isaac is still in the hospital today but he was without a fever all day. His blood counts were pretty low and is considered neutropenic so we had to give him his "booster shot", as we like to call it, to boost up his counts. Hopefully he'll show  improvement very soon. 

Tonight Nick is staying with him and i got some much needed down time at home. I'll head back over in the morning and if everything goes as planned we will be discharged tomorrow night.

Isaac was really happy when dad got there this afternoon with new toys to play with. A boy can only stay occupied in a hospital bed for so long... 😉

December 27th Update:

Isaac had a pretty good night but has had a fever the majority of the night/day. But once we were able to get some medicine in him a couple hours ago his fever broke. We are hoping he remains fever free the rest of the stay but it's a little too early to tell right now. We don't know much else (virus vs bacteria) but Isaac has been pretty chipper today but also a little sleepy. His mima (Gayle) came up to see him which made him pretty happy. Daddy is also here keeping him company. I am going to stay the night with him again tonight while dad goes home to take care of Georgie (our dog). Then Nick will come back tomorrow and stay on Monday night. We've been told we can go home Tuesday night at the earliest...  So here's to a few more days...

December 26th Update:

Tonight Isaac spiked a fever which landed him in the hospital yet again.  This unfortunately will be his 4th hospital stay due to fevers.😕 This one was a little unexpected though as he wasn't acting sick. In fact it was pretty close to bedtime and he was as happy as can be. However he felt warm to me so i took his temperature and to my surprise it was over his threshold..... so we got to packing for our next 3 day stay at the University of Iowa Hospital. As disappointing and frustrating as this is we do feel blessed that we didn't have to be in the hospital during Christmas. 😉 #alwaysasilverlining #trying2beoptimistic

So I'm staying in the hospital with him tonight and Nick will come in the morning and hopefully stay tomorrow night.  

Poor little guy had to stay up till 11pm until all procedures, vitals, questions, etc were done.  I bet he was tired; hopefully that makes for a smoother night. 😊

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