Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chemo - Week #5

December 17th Update:

Isaac's blood counts were once again just over his target 500 count (@ 510). So we did go ahead and give him another dose of chemo today.  Similar to weeks past he stayed at the 50% dose.  The appointment today was short and sweet, just the way we like them. 😊  We brought a plate of cookies to the University of Iowa nurses as a thank you for being so awesome/as a Merry Christmas gift... Well Mr. Isaac was less than amused to give up those cookies. Let's just say we had a major breakdown, tears and everything. He did not want someone else eating "his" cookies.  He's kind of at that everything is mine stage. Gotta love it. The nurse eventually did open up the cookies and offer Isaac 1 which seemed to make matters a bit better. 😊

Isaac's next chemo appointment will be Wednesday, the 23rd. Hopefully that will be the only trip to the hospital we make this Christmas week.

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