Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Chemo - Week #4

December 10th Update:

Isaac's chemo appointment was unusually long today.  It unfortunately took 4 hours when we were expecting only 1!  :-(  Since Isaac's blood counts were just over his threshold they decided to keep his chemo dose at 50% when originally they were going to try boosting it up to 75% dose.  This took over 1 1/2 hours for the pharmacy to change the meds.  So, Nick, Isaac and I ate some cafeteria food for lunch :-)  Despite the unexpectedly long appointment Isaac was a trooper and managed to stay in high spirits the whole time (even with it being nap time).  Go Isaac!

December 9th update:

Isaac's blood counts are good enough today so he'll have his next chemo appt tomorrow (the 10th).  Once again they were just barely over his threshold but as always we will take it! 😉

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