Tuesday, November 17, 2015


November 17th Update:

Isaac is home now. He was NOT a happy camper on the drive home. I'm not sure why exactly but it was a rough ride.  But now we are home which is a relief to us all. IZ has his blankie and his stuffed giraffe and is doing much better. He's already fallen asleep and hopefully will get a really good snooze. 😊

Isaac is out of his MRI. Nick and I are sitting with him in the recovery room. He is still sedated. We are now just waiting him to wake up.

He did pretty good throughout his process. However he did wake up with a few minutes to go and they had to give him another dose of "sleepy" meds.

10:40 am
Today Isaac is getting his next MRI.  His  appointment was scheduled for 9:40am but they were running late and we didn't get him fully sedated until 10:30. We will great results tomorrow morning.

Isaac unfortunately woke up early this morning which was a bummer because he really wanted his breakfast but I couldn't give it to him. But we survived with the help if Mickey Mouse Clubhousoe. 😊

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