Wednesday, November 18, 2015

MRI Results...

November 18th Update

Yesterday we had a long day, but it ended with great news.  Isaac got his third MRI scan in the morning.  The kid was fussy as all get up which made for A LONG DAY for us parents.  All three of us were super tired when we got home so Nick and Isaac took a nap and mom stayed busy around the house.  After the boys woke up, we received a call from Dr. Sato, our Oncologist, stating "Isaac's tumor has decreased in size".  We were elated!!!   Praise God for all that HE has done for our little boy.

Today, Isaac started his new Chemotherapy regimen.  We restarted our clocks to Week 1 of 52...that's the bad news.  The good news is that all of Isaac's doctors are pleased with his progress to Chemotherapy and his overall development thus far!  What a little trooper.  Two BIG days for the little guy and he was a champ.  Today he was in great spirits giving high five to nurses everywhere he went and even shook his Oncologist's hand :)  Hilarious!!!

In addition to going for Chemotherapy, we also went back to the "U" today and reviewed the MRI results ourselves.  His tumor DID shrink in size, but is was also a slight decrease.  I think we can all agree that a slight decrease is better than none.  The picture also showed that his tumor is no longer pressing against his spinal cord and has decreased in overall width.  

We serve a BIG GOD and we thank everyone who continues to pray for this miracle child God has gifted us.  

Thank you for your prayers!

Here is a picture of us celebrating our good news...  There is a new doughnut joint in town.  Isaac LOVED his!

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