Thursday, November 5, 2015

Allergic Reaction

November 8th Update:

Issac was able to go home the day after his allergic reaction.  He's been in really high spirits since being home.  

We are still waiting to hear about what's next for Isaac.  We will hopefully meet with our oncologist this week to discuss treatment options but what they will be is still up in the air.  We are blessed that we at least have other options but it's still been a hard situation to fully process and accept.  But we are believing that God will use this for the good and are hopeful that Isaac will tolerate the next treatment great.  

November 6th Update:

Isaac did pretty well throughout the night. Mom only got a few hours of sleep but hey that's life. If we can go home today then I can catch up then. 😊

November 5th Update:

Today Isaac and I went in for his chemotherapy appointment. We were an hour or two into his appointment when Isaac started having an allergic reaction to the chemo. He was coughing a lot.  At first I didn't take notice but when it persisted and Isaac's face went a little pale, his oncologist (who was luckily with me at the time) asked if he had a cough to which I said no. She immediately got up and went to the door and called in 4+ nurses who rushed in and stopped the chemo, started benadryl and other meds.  I didn't even know what was going on; it all happened so fast. The doctor asked someone to page the "Rapid Response" team. Once I heard her say those words I started getting very nervous/scared. I then asked if Isaac was having an allergic reaction to which they all said yes...

Isaac then developed a rash on his stomach and on his back while the coughing got worse. The nurses were going to town putting on monitors on him and such.  They kept listening to his breathing to ensure that he could still get air down his throat.  I just sat there holding my little boy praying he would be OK...  Probably 5 minutes into this episode I mustered the courage and asked "is Isaac going to be alright?". I was previously trying to be brave and keep it together for Isaac to keep him calm but I just needed some reassurance (as a mother I was battling all the worse case scenarios in my head).  The nurses immediately reassured me it was going to be OK. This was a huge relief but of course I started crying after they tell me he is going to be OK. πŸ˜‰ go figure. 

I'm not sure how many minutes past but they finally got him squared away and the rash eventually went away and the coughing stopped. Isaac became very sleepy (probably a combo of no nap today and the benadryl) and took a little nap on me. Later they then told me they were going to admit Isaac for overnight monitoring just to be safe. 

In the midst of all this I called Nick (I'm crying of course).  He left work right away, ran home to get overnight gear for Isaac and mom and made it to the hospital probably within an hour. 

We are hopeful that the night will go well and that we'll be discharged tomorrow morning-ish. 

Not 100% on next steps, but one thing is for sure that we'll stop his current medication and we'll have to figure out the next best option. Our oncologist at Iowa will work with our oncologist from Boston to develop a new plan. Please pray that all doctors involved will have wisdom on this. We knew going into this particular treatment that an allergic reaction was possible (but typically does not occur this early into treatment) and that we might need to find other treatment options eventually but it doesn't make it easy to be in this position now. But we know God has been with us this far so why stop trusting him now. We are hopeful there will be a rainbow after this storm. 😊

Thanks as always!

Nick and Allison

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