Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fever #3

October 23rd Update:

Isaac is doing well.  If he can stay fever-free today then they are going to let us go home tonight!!  Woo Whoo!!!  We are very happy about that.  There's just something about getting to sleep in your own bed!  Yesterday, his fever went away 2-3 different times but found a way to creep back up each time.  So, we are hoping the fever stays away for good this time.  
This hospital stay has been a little harder than the past 2 times.  Because Isaac came in with a cough and had the fever the first 2 full days, we are kind of on lock down.  With it being cold and flu season the hospital takes precautions a little more seriously.  Isaac can't leave his room at all.  Even Nick, and I aren't supposed to leave the room unless we change our clothes.  So just going to get more water in a common area is a "no no"; we have to ask the nurses to get it for us.  :-(  So, we are a little stir-crazy in here but are trying to make the most of it.  

Thanks for your prayers.  We are hoping and praying that his fever does not come back today so that we can in fact go home tonight.  

October 22nd Update:

Throughout the night Isaac maintained a103 temp. Nurses came in each hour to get vitals, so neither Isaac or mom had a great night sleep. However, we managed to get little cat naps in between some of the checks. Then this morning at 5am, his fever broke but has since climbed back up to 101.7. 😕.  

Overall though Isaac is being such a trooper! He's in slightly better spirits this morning but has just been laying down looking exhausted. But on the bright side all his blood work has come back good and he tested negative for the more common viruses going around. 😀

October 21st Update:

Unfortunately Isaac woke with a fever this morning.  So, we are now in the hospital for a minimum of 3 days.  :-(

Please keep our little guy in your prayers.  Thanks you!

Update on Isaac:
Isaac's fever got up to 103.5 but with some medicine it's now down to 102.7. He's been very sleepy all day long. You can just tell he just doesn't feel well. 😕 . 

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