Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Chemo - Cycle 1, Week 2

October 16th Update:

Isaac did great yesterday at Chemo.  He has had no negative symptoms. :-)  He will continue to get his blood checked twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays).  Depending on the counts, we may have to give additional injections at home (to boost blood counts) but let's keep our fingers crossed his levels remain over 500.  

October 15th Update:

Isaac is going in for his next dose of chemo on Thursday, October 15th.  This will be his 2nd Week of Cycle 1 of the Maintenance Phase.  He got his blood checked on Wednesday and his levels were high enough.  :-)  Ever since we gave him that 1 injection of meds his blood counts have been a LOT higher than they have been in the past.  The medicine clearly helped.  We are happy we only had to do the shot the one time last week.  :-)

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