Thursday, September 10, 2015



Isaac's 2nd birthday was on Labor Day/September 7th.  I had bought him donuts for his breakfast but he insisted on eating his normal cereal instead (go figure).  ;-)  Then, we got dressed.  We had bought him a superhero shirt to wear on his birthday and it had been hanging in his closet for a couple weeks.  During these weeks he has requested to wear it but we never let him and kept telling him it had to wait for his birthday.  So, needless to say he was pretty excited when Mom busted out his new superhero shirt for him to wear!!!  :-)
After that we went to the park where he played for quite a long time.  

For lunch I took him to Chick-fil-A (Isaac's favorite).  He loves "chicka, fry, and pop" (pop meaning lemonade).  :-)  He took his afternoon nap and when he got up Dad was home from work and so he got to spend time playing with daddy.  

For dinner we had invited some of our good friends over for pizza and cupcakes.  These friends of ours also just so happen to have kids that are Isaac's age and are his closest buddies.  So Isaac was pretty excited for them to come over and play.  We even busted out his favorite "Uptown Funk" song and all the kids danced to it; Isaac had a blast!!

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