Thursday, September 3, 2015

Chemo Week 13

September 10th Update:

Once again Isaac's blood counts are too low for chemo this week.  :-(  This makes 3 weeks in a row that he has missed due to low blood counts and this makes 5 weeks in a row that he hasn't had chemo (the first 2 weeks were "scheduled breaks").  Isaac's oncologists think he is more sensitive to the chemotherapy than perhaps other children receiving the same regiment.  Never-the-less, Isaac continues to act normal and it has not slowed him done at all.  :-)  

September 3rd Update:

Unfortunately Isaac's blood counts have been rather low for a few weeks now.  :-(  Last week he was supposed to start back up with his chemotherapy regiment.  However, they were too low then too.  Prior to that he had a scheduled 2 weeks off.  So as of today he has had 1 whole month off!  You would think that would be enough time to get those blood counts up and running but apparently now. ;-)  But luckily he is still remaining healthy while at home.  

Although we aren't going to our chemo appt anymore today I still am taking him to the Hospital so he can get his antibiotics (which are overdue now).  This will be Isaac's last appt as a 1 year old.  This coming Monday Isaac turns 2!!!  :-)

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