Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Chemo - Cycle 1, Week 1

October 10th Update:

Isaac has had no negative side effects from his chemotherapy last week! However, we did get his blood counts checked on Thursday and they were quite low again. So we had to give him the injection I mentioned below that evening. Poor little guy didn't like daddy holding him down while mom gave him a shot in the arm. But I think mom and dad had a harder time with it. It was pretty difficult to have to do that to our son. 😢 so kuddos to all the nurses out there that do the tough jobs for the sake of our kids, it can't be fun for you to poke and prod children all day. Ever since Isaac's diagnosis I have had a much greater respect for nurses - they are AWESOME!  

Besides not liking the shot, Isaac has been his normal, happy self. I think he had been wearing himself out playing during the day because he's sleeping like a champ at night. The other day he slept from 8:30pm till 9:30am!! That's a new record for Mr. I Pie. 😀

October 3rd Update:

We should be receiving Isaac's new medicine Monday (Oct 5th).  This medicine is to help boost his neutrophil count which has been the reason he hasn't been able to get chemo for the past 2 months.  This medicine is in the form of an injection.  That means that mom and dad will be playing nurse at home.  We'll give him this shot daily until his counts come up.  We originally had some issues with insurance causing a delay in getting this medicine but now that we have worked through that, the doctors say we are going to start chemo on Monday.  Because he is sensitive to the chemo they are going to give him a 50% dose.  

This will be Week 1 of Cycle 1 of the Maintenance Phase.  Isaac is scheduled to have 8 total Cycles.  Each Cycle consists of 4 weeks ON chemo and then 2 weeks OFF of chemo.  That is pending his blood counts though.  At the rate he is going, he'll have some "unscheduled" off weeks in between which simply pushed everything back a week.  ;-)   Prior to this Phase he was in the "Induction Phase".  

It's been about 2 months since Isaac has received chemo.  I'm not going to lie, it's been kind of nice to have this break.  Isaac has enjoyed every minute of it.  He continues to be a busy little boy who plays and plays and plays.  However, we are ready to get things rolling again.  So bring on Monday!  

Sept 30th Update:

Isaac's blood counts continue to be lower than we want. They originally said they were close enough to the threshold so they were going to start Isaac on Chemo tomorrow.  However, they called back an hour later and said they changed their minds and we are going to wait another week.  We are still having some insurance issues with getting this special medicine to boost Isaacs blood counts. 😕

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