Thursday, August 20, 2015

Week 12

August 20th Update:

Isaac has had another "off" week.  :-)  We got his blood checked yesterday and to our surprise they were pretty low again.  :-(  We originally thought that having 2 weeks off of chemo would have helped raise his blood counts but apparently not the case this time.  I think IZ is still recovering from his fever last week.  He still has a cough but besides that you would never know his blood counts are low.  He is super active and has been playing non-stop.  His new favorite game this week is having mom chase him up and down the halls of our home.  This can get very tiring for this momma but IZ lights up when we play so I muster the energy.  ;-)

As stated in previous posts Isaac's next appointment will be Wednesday the 26th (ironically Isaac's original due date).  Isaac will be getting his first "check" since having surgery.  He'll have another MRI.  Unfortunately Nick has to be at work this day so I will be taking Isaac myself but on the flip side Nick will be able to come the next day to the appointment when we get the MRI results back.  We are both anxious yet a little excited to be getting the MRI results.  The goal is stability of the tumor (no growth) but I am praying for shrinkage!  Time will only tell.  

In all we know that it is all in God's hands and we are trusting that Isaac will fully recover from this.   

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