Wednesday, August 26, 2015

MRI Results

MRI Results Update:

After having the doctors review the MRI scans again, I've been informed that Isaac's tumor did still shrink but just slightly.  So, the results are not as favorable as we originally thought but never-the-less they are still favorable.  

August 26th - MRI Results:

Today Isaac had his first MRI since having surgery.  We were originally supposed to get the results tomorrow but were pleasantly surprised to receive them at 5:30 this evening.

The result. . . . . .  Isaac's tumor SHRUNK!!!!   We are beyond excited!  

Typically in kids going through the chemotherapy regimen like Isaac's you don't see much shrinkage.  Typically they expect the tumor to remain stable.  So to say the least we are beyond ecstatic that Isaac's shrunk.  And I might add it shrunk pretty significantly (in my opinion).  

All I can say is PRAISE GOD!  He has been our ROCK during this time and has not left our side ever since we embarked on this unwanted journey.  We couldn't have come this far without Him.  So Thank God that He is the Great Physician and a Healer!  We also would like to thank those who have come along side us and have been praying for Isaac and our family.  Often times God uses people like you to show his love in tangible ways.  I can't begin to describe how thankful I am for so many great friends in our lives.  I received so many texts this morning offering up encouragement.  So thank you everyone!  

God does answer prayers and he definitely did today.  :-) :-) :-)

1 comment:

  1. That is GREAT news! Thanks so much for sharing! Praising the Lord with you!! Hallelujah!
