Wednesday, August 26, 2015

MRI Results

MRI Results Update:

After having the doctors review the MRI scans again, I've been informed that Isaac's tumor did still shrink but just slightly.  So, the results are not as favorable as we originally thought but never-the-less they are still favorable.  

August 26th - MRI Results:

Today Isaac had his first MRI since having surgery.  We were originally supposed to get the results tomorrow but were pleasantly surprised to receive them at 5:30 this evening.

The result. . . . . .  Isaac's tumor SHRUNK!!!!   We are beyond excited!  

Typically in kids going through the chemotherapy regimen like Isaac's you don't see much shrinkage.  Typically they expect the tumor to remain stable.  So to say the least we are beyond ecstatic that Isaac's shrunk.  And I might add it shrunk pretty significantly (in my opinion).  

All I can say is PRAISE GOD!  He has been our ROCK during this time and has not left our side ever since we embarked on this unwanted journey.  We couldn't have come this far without Him.  So Thank God that He is the Great Physician and a Healer!  We also would like to thank those who have come along side us and have been praying for Isaac and our family.  Often times God uses people like you to show his love in tangible ways.  I can't begin to describe how thankful I am for so many great friends in our lives.  I received so many texts this morning offering up encouragement.  So thank you everyone!  

God does answer prayers and he definitely did today.  :-) :-) :-)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Wednesday, August 26th
Isaac will get his first MRI since having surgery in Boston.  The MRI is scheduled for 11:20 so we will arrive an hour before to get things ready. Unfortunately Isaac won't be able to eat anything in the morning so we could have a grumpy toddler on our hands ;-)    

Please pray for favorable results!  We will keep everyone posted when we find out (which will be Thursday).

Yes, Isaac is sitting on Georgie in his crate.  Good thing Georgie is laid back and doesn't seem to mind.  :-) Love my boys! !

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Week 12

August 20th Update:

Isaac has had another "off" week.  :-)  We got his blood checked yesterday and to our surprise they were pretty low again.  :-(  We originally thought that having 2 weeks off of chemo would have helped raise his blood counts but apparently not the case this time.  I think IZ is still recovering from his fever last week.  He still has a cough but besides that you would never know his blood counts are low.  He is super active and has been playing non-stop.  His new favorite game this week is having mom chase him up and down the halls of our home.  This can get very tiring for this momma but IZ lights up when we play so I muster the energy.  ;-)

As stated in previous posts Isaac's next appointment will be Wednesday the 26th (ironically Isaac's original due date).  Isaac will be getting his first "check" since having surgery.  He'll have another MRI.  Unfortunately Nick has to be at work this day so I will be taking Isaac myself but on the flip side Nick will be able to come the next day to the appointment when we get the MRI results back.  We are both anxious yet a little excited to be getting the MRI results.  The goal is stability of the tumor (no growth) but I am praying for shrinkage!  Time will only tell.  

In all we know that it is all in God's hands and we are trusting that Isaac will fully recover from this.   

Monday, August 10, 2015

Fever #2

August 12th Update:
Isaac's blood counts shot back up today which was great but a bit surprising.  Because of this and because he has been fever free for more than 24 hours they decided that they will discharge him later this evening.  He was originally needing 2 more doses of antibiotics but instead they will give him 1 dose of a slightly different antibiotic that will cover him for 24 hours. :-) This was very unexpected news for us but very good news!  We are thrilled to not have to stay another night and instead be here for only 2 and 1/2 days instead of the full 3!! Woot woot! 

Isaac has had a number of visitors which has made the time in the hospital much more bearable.   My grandma and grandpa Green, my brother and his girlfriend (Jordan & Melissa), and some old friends of ours from the Quad Cities (Chris, Joy & their son Cody ) visited on Tuesday.  Then our good friend Karen stopped by today while she was working here at the hospital.  :-) We continue to feel blessed by the support we are receiving.  Thank you everyone! !

August 11th Update :

Today Isaac is fever-FREE!! :-) This morning he is as happy as can be which makes a stay in the hospital a lot easier.  His blood counts are unfortunately still very low but there is no bacteria thus far so we are thankful for that.  Here's to 2 more days.  :-)

August 10th Update:

Unfortunately Isaac woke up bright and early this morning (@ 4:30) with a fever.  :-( Boooo
So we packed our suitcases and headed to the University of Iowa Hospital.  Within an hour they had him all hooked up,  taken blood samples,  and started antibiotics.  Isaac is currently napping on mommy.  :-) 

We will once again be here for a minimum of 3 days.  But in the bright side we are familiar with a lot of the staff as we were just here 8 days ago ;-)

Although he's been pretty fussy today I managed to get a Lil smile as we watched Toy Story (his new favorite movie)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Chemo Week #10

August 5th Update:

Isaac's blood counts are good enough to do chemo tomorrow so week 10 here we come.   They are still pretty low but have risen since last week so we'll count it as a plus.  :-)

After week 10 Isaac will get a much needed 2 week break from chemo.  Then on the 26th of August Isaac will get his first MRI since surgery.