Saturday, July 11, 2015

June 9th Update

Isaac's blood counts were unfortunately too low this week so he had to miss his chemo.  :-( So we will take this week off and then start back with Week #7 next Thursday, June 16th.  

This week he caught mom's cold and has had a little bit of a runny nose and had a low grade fever.  Luckily it never got high enough to be too concerned.  :-)  So we are counting our blessings and trying to keep him from too many more germs.  

Besides being a little sick the past few days, Isaac has been busy hanging out with family.  On Wednesday we made a day trip back to the Quad Cities to spend some time grandma.  Nick's aunt Alecia and cousin Kara (from Texas) stayed the night with us on Thursday.  Then today another one of Nick's cousin is getting married so IZ will get to spend time with LOTS more relatives.  :-)  He's been loving getting all the attention (but it's not like that doesn't already happen).  ;-)

Oh and have I ever mentioned he LOVES his doggie, Georgie.  :-)  

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