Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Fever :-(

August 1 Update:

Isaac was released from the hospital today!!  Unfortunately his blood counts did decrease again and he's considered neutropenic now.  But luckily they decided to still let us go home. Given the situation of being in a hospital for 3 days, Isaac was a trooper and did pretty darn good but there's nothing quite like being home.  We are feeling blessed to have Isaac back home with us and are looking forward to sleeping in our own beds tonight!  :-)

July 31st Update:

Today Isaac has been fever free!  :-)  According to Daddy, he did great overnight.  Nick stayed with him last night so that I could go home and get a good night sleep after staying with him in the hospital on Wednesday night.  During the day both Nick and I were here.  Isaac has been full of energy today.  We rode in his cool car a bunch, played in the kids play room and even found time to catch some sunshine at the hospital playground.  

Isaac's port is still "accessed" so we have to be careful with how hard he plays but for the most part he was able to do a lot and has been a very active little boy today.  

We are hoping to go home tomorrow (Saturday) but it will depend on him staying fever free and his blood counts.  Unfortunately his blood counts have been dropping somewhat significantly the past 2 days.  One count in particular was rather low today and is very close to the bottom threshold that we'd like to avoid...  So, only time will tell.  Isaac should be getting blood drawn early in the morning tomorrow and I'd imagine we'd know whether we get to go home by 10 or 11am.  Keeping my fingers crossed that Isaac's blood counts will remain stable and not decrease further.  

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!  God is good!

July 30th Update:

Isaac's fever has decreased since yesterday but hasn't quite gone down to normal yet.  We will be here for sure till Saturday and perhaps longer pending any new findings in his blood.  

To our surprise he will go ahead and still get chemo today because his CBC (complete blood count) were still at a high enough level.  So week 9 is still a go!  He's taking a nap now and will get chemo later this afternoon.  

Isaac's grandma (Allison's mom) took a half day from work today to spend with Isaac.  So he's been in pretty good spirits from having his mima here!  Gotta love those grandmas! ! We also managed to find this sweet car for Isaac to ride around the hospital in. Needless to say that's been a big hit!  

Here's a pic of when iz decided he wanted daddy to ride in the car with him.  ;-) haha.  Oh the things parents do to keep their kiddos happy!  ;-)

June 29th Update:

Today started like any other Wednesday.  I woke up with Isaac around 7am. We had breakfast and we went to go get his labs done.  He went with daddy to the gym later that morning.  A little after lunch Isaac seemed really warm so i decided to take his temp as a precaution.  To my surprise it was 101.5! :-(

For children going through chemotherapy a fever can be very dangerous so anything over 101 means an automatic 3 day stay in the hospital.  Booo! :-(  So we packed up and headed to the University of Iowa Hospital.

He got his port accessed soon after arriving and they started him on antibiotics right away.  They are testing his blood for infections but currently we don't have any inclination as to what's going on.

Besides having a mental breakdown when we entered his hospital room Isaac is doing well.  He still has a fever but is resting comfortably in my arms as I'm writing this.  Poor little guy but we know he is TOUGH AS NAILS!  Thanks for your prayers!