Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chemo Week #7

July 16th Update:

IZ had his 7th go at chemo today. Unfortunately it took slightly over 5 hours :-( but IZ did so great throughout the entire appointment.  Mima (Nick's mom) came with again which was super helpful.  However this will be her last time coming along as she's heading back to Texas next week.  We'll miss her and Tom for sure;  it's been extra nice having them around this summer.  I'm not entirely sure how Isaac is going to manage.  ;-)

His next appointment is scheduled for next Thursday but with his blood counts already a bit low this week I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped down too low causing us to miss another week.   But we will see.  :-) positive thoughts! !

July 15th Update:

Isaac went to get Labs done today and his blood counts are back up so he is good to go for tomorrow's (16th) chemo appointment. :-)  Although his blood counts did improve and are at a high enough level to receive chemo they are still pretty low so we are hoping and praying they don't decrease too much after this round.

Week #7 here we come!

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