Monday, July 6, 2015

Chemo Week #6

July 2nd Update:

Isaac had his sixth dose of chemotherapy on Thursday. Similar to week 5, he received only one of the chemo medicines which made for a shorter appointment. :-)  Nick's mom came along. It's always nice for Isaac and I to have company for these appointments.  :-)

Isaac did great as usual and has suffered no negative side effects. On the way to the car we got stopped by a University of Iowa employee who was riding a golf cart and asked if we wanted a ride. We of course said "YES" because #1) MiMa had just broken her toe and #2) Isaac always sees these carts each week and says "beep beep".  IZ was lighting up the whole way through the sky walk; he absolutely loved his little ride. The man even beeped the horn for him.  ;-)

This picture was taken later that evening. 
(Mima, IZ, & Daddy)

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